Dr. Vinkó József


Tudományos főmunkatárs

Tel.: (62) 54-4421

e-mail: vinko@physx.u-szeged.hu




  • 1996 - PhD in Physics at JATE University, Szeged, Hungary
    Thesis: "Variable stars in binary systems"
  • 1994: Candidate of Sciences in Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    Thesis: "Variable stars in binary systems"
  • 1989 - MSc in Physics at JATE University, Szeged, Hungary
    Thesis: "Period variation of variable stars due to orbital revolution"


Academic positions:

  • 2022 (6 months): research fellow, Department of Astronomy, UT Austin, supervisors: Prof. V. Bromm, Prof.em. J. C. Wheeler
  • 2022 - present: senior research fellow (part-time) at Department of Experimental Physics, University of Szeged
  • 2021 - present: research advisor at Konkoly Observatory, HUN-REN Research Centre of Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Budapest
  • 2016 - 2022: senior research fellow (part-time) at Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics, University of Szeged
  • 2016 - 2021: research leader, senior research fellow at Konkoly Observatory, Research Centre of Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Budapest
  • 2008-2009: research fellow, Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin; supervisor: Prof. J. C. Wheeler
  • 2001-2016: associate professor at Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics, University of Szeged
  • 1999-2001: lecturer at Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics, University of Szeged
  • 1992-1999: senior research fellow of Research Group on Laser Physics of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (at Dept. of Optics, JATE University) supervisor: Prof. Zs. Bor
  • 1989-92: PhD student of Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary and JATE University, Szeged, Hungary, supervisor: Dr. László Szabados

Scholarships and visits:

  • 2010 - present: 1-3 visits per year at Department of Astronomy, UT Austin
  • 2001-2003: Bolyai Janos Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • 1997-1999: Magyary Zoltan Postdoctoral Fellow
  • 1997: Hungarian Eötvös Fellow (3 months) at David Dunlap Observatory, University of Toronto, Canada supervisor: Prof. C.T. Bolton, Prof. J. R. Percy
  • 1995: Hungarian Eötvös Fellow (3 months) at York University, Toronto, Canada supervisor: Prof. N. R. Evans
  • 1991: visiting scientist (6 weeks) at Department of Astronomy University of Toronto, Canada


  • 2018: Doctor of Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • 2012: "Golden Chalk" Prize, University of Szeged, Faculty of Sciences and Informatics
  • 2012: László Detre Prize, Roland Eötvös Physical Society
  • 1998: Young Researchers' Prize, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • 1989: Pro Scientia Gold Medal for undergraduate students


Scientific publications and metrics (based on NASA Astrophysics Data System):

  • 168 papers in refereed journals (1989 - 2024), 17 of them being first-authored
  • 315 non-refereed publications (preprints, conference proceedings, circulars)
  • 2906 independent citations
  • h-index from independent citations: 30
  • MTMT link: https://m2.mtmt.hu/gui2/?type=authors&mode=browse&sel=authors10001530
  • ADS library: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/public-libraries/BRcusoFHRv6dMvJYhOpoeA


Grants (as project leader):

  • 2022-26: "Unsolved Mysteries in Supernova Astrophysics"
    Hungarian OTKA Grant #K142534 -- 47 868 000 HUF = 136 765 USD
  • 2017-20: "Transient Astrophysical Objects"
    EU GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00033 -- 687 369 737 HUF = 2 545 813 USD
  • 2013-15: "Astrophysics of supernova explosions"
    Hungarian OTKA Grant #NN 107637 --- 18 252 000 HUF = 81 120 USD
  • 2001-03: "Astrophysics of nova- and supernova explosions"
    Hungarian OTKA Grant #T034615 --- 7 300 000 HUF = 25 435 USD
  • 1997-99: "Application of high-resolution optical spectroscopy in astrophysics"
    Hungarian OTKA Grant #F022249 --- 900 000 HUF = 4 864 USD
  • 1994: "CCD-photometry of short period variable stars"
    AMFK (Hungarian Ministry of Education) Grant # 678/94 --- 600 000 HUF = 5 581 USD
  • 1994: "Numerical simulations in physical systems"
    World Bank-OTKA Grant #W015239 --- 15 000 USD
  • 1993-95: "Study of stellar binary systems for solving astrophysical problems"
    Hungarian OTKA Grant #F007318 --- 900 000 HUF = 9 000 USD


Teaching activity:

  • University of Szeged (formerly JATE University): 1989 - present
  • Teaching assistant in courses "Electrodynamics", Thermodynamics", Atomic Physics", "Astronomy", Experimental Physics" and "Laboratory Practices in Physics"
  • Part-time lecturer of "Wave Theory and Optics" (1993), "Astronomical Spectroscopy" (1999), "General Astronomy" (2000)
  • Lecturer of "Classical Mechanics" (1994), "Numerical Methods in Physics" (since 1995), "Modern Astronomy" (1995,1996), "History of Astronomy" (1998-2016), "Astrophysics 1, 2, 3" (since 1999), "Astronomical Spectroscopy" (since 1999), "Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy" (since 2006), "Space-based Astronomical Techniques" (since 2012)
  • Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (ELTE): 2017 - present
  • Part-time lecturer of "Introduction to Astronomy 3" (since 2017)
  • Lecturer of "Astronomical Transients" (2020), "Radiative Processes in Astrophysics" (2020)


Student supervising / mentoring activity:

- supervisor of 29 undergraduate students at University of Szeged since 1995, and 3 undergraduate studens at ELTE since 2017

- thesis advisor of 12 PhD students in the Graduate School of Physics, University of Szeged since 2000

- thesis advisor of 1 PhD student in the Graduate School of Physics, ELTE University since 2019

- number of students with successful PhD defence: 10

Specialization and skills:

- Astronomy

  • observations of supernova explosions: photometry, spectroscopy
  • theory of supernova explosions: radiative diffusion, light curve modeling, P Cygni line formation in SN atmospheres, interaction between supernova ejecta and circumstellar matter
  • theoretical modeling of the powering mechanisms of superluminous supernovae: radioactive decay, magnetar spin-down, shock waves by circumstellar interaction
  • theoretical modeling of the light curves in Tidal Disruption Events
  • distance measurement of Type Ia supernovae with MLCS2k2, SALT2 and SNooPy2 methods
  • distance measurement of Type II supernovae by applying the Expanding Photosphere method and Standard Candle Method
  • spectrum modeling of supernovae using SYNOW, SYNAPPS and TARDIS codes
  • astronomical spectroscopy, abundance analysis, Atlas9/SYNTHE
  • CCD-photometry of crowded stellar fields, DAOPHOT, isochrone fitting, simple stellar populations
  • Cepheid-type pulsating variable stars: high-resolution spectroscopy, Baade-Wesselink analysis, double-mode pulsation
  • eclipsing binaries, contact binaries, light curve and radial velocity modeling, binary star evolution

- Telescopes / Observing experience

  • 0.6 / 0.9 m Schmidt telescope at Konkoly Observatory (CCD imaging)
  • 0.8 m Ritchy-Chrétien robotic telescopes at Konkoly Observatory and Baja Observatory, Hungary (CCD imaging)
  • 1.82 m Cassegrain telescope at David Dunlap Observatory, Canada (CCD spectroscopy)
  • 1.88 m Cassegrain telescope at Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Canada (CCD imaging)
  • 0.8 m telescope at McDonald Observatory, Texas (CCD imaging)
  • 2.7 m Harlan Smith telescope at McDonald Observatory, Texas (CCD imaging)
  • 10 m Hobby-Eberly Telescope at McDonald Observatory, Texas (IFU spectroscopy)


- Data reduction and processing

  • robotic telescope pipeline development for automated data reduction and analysis
  • IRAF, Dolphot, HEASoft, FITSH
  • HST (ACS, WFPC2) Swift (UVOT, XRT) Spitzer (IRAC, MIPS, IRS) data reduction and photometry
  • single- and multi-order optical and infrared spectroscopy, high-resolution echelle spectroscopy
  • digital image processing applications
  • application of Fourier- and wavelet transforms in signal processing
  • digital convolution and deconvolution
  • time series analysis


  • script programming in UNIX
  • scientific programming in C, numerical methods and algorithms
  • UNIX system administration (Solaris 2.x, Linux)
  • basic knowledge of HTML



Last updated: January 18, 2024

Tanulmányi hírek


Érdekel a körülötted lévő világ, és megismernéd pontosabban hogyan is működik? Szeretnél az ország egyik legjobb egyetemén egy gyönyörű városban tanulni? Ha a válaszod igen, legyél Te is fizika, fizikus-mérnök, csillagász, fotonikai mérnöki vagy fizikatanár szakos hallgató az SZTE-n!


Az Eötvös Loránd Fizikai Társulat Csongrád-Csanád Vármegyei Csoportja és a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Fizikai Intézete 26. alkalommal 3 fordulós versenyt hirdet fizikai kísérletekből általános és középiskolás diákok számára.

Friss hírek


Hogyan lesz egy végzett fizikusból IT biztonsági szakember a világ egyik legnagyobb játékgyártó vállalatánál? Interjúnkban Varga Dániel, egy olyan szakember mesél karrierútjáról, aki az SZTE Fizikai Intézet AdOptIm kutatócsoportjából indulva a LEGO Csoport Digitális Biztonság csapatában találta meg hivatását. Bár munkájában közvetlenül nem használja a fizikatudását, az egyetemi évek során megszerzett analitikus gondolkodás, problémamegoldó készség és adatfeldolgozási tapasztalat kulcsszerepet játszik mindennapi feladataiban. Cikkünkben betekintést nyerhetünk abba, hogyan vezetett az útja az IT világába, milyen kihívásokkal találkozik, és mi teszi izgalmassá a kiberbiztonság területét.


A fizika már eddig is számtalan eszközzel segítette az orvosok munkáját. A Fotoakusztikus Kutatócsoport munkatársai több mint 10 éve fejlesztenek az SZTE több orvosi kutatócsoportja számára olyan műszereket, amelyek a kilélegzett levegő gázösszetételének diagnosztikai célú vizsgálatára alkalmasak. Egy általuk fejlesztett fotoakusztikus műszerrel a kilélegzett levegő metán-tartalmát vizsgálták az ELI ALPS Lézeres Kutatóintézetbe szervezett februári véradáson során.

Kövess minket
