2025. március 13., csütörtök

Peer-reviewed papers from the lab


N. Kroó, L.P. Csernai, I. Papp, M.Á. Kedves, M. Aladi, A. Bonyár, M. Szalóki, K. Osvay, P. Varmazyar, T.S. Biró
Indication of p + 11B Reaction in Laser Induced Nanofusion Experiment
Scientific Reports 14 (2024) 30087
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-80070-5


P. Gaal, T. Gilinger, B. Nagyillés, R. Nagymihály, I. Seres, A. Kovács, M. Füle. M. Karnok, P. Balazs, T. Novak, A.P.Kovacs, K. Osvay
A Versatile 100 Hz Laser System with Few-Cycle and TW Pulses for Applications
Applied Sciences 14 (2024) 10649
DOI: 10.3390/app142210649


K. Osvay, P. K. Singh, P. Varmazyar, M. Füle, T. Gilinger, B. Kis, L. Lehotai, B. Nagy, S. Ter-Avetisyan, B. Biró, L. Csedreki, Zs. Dombrádi, Z. Elekes, A. Fenyvesi, Zs. Fülöp, Z. Halász, Z. Korkulu, I. Kuti, L. Stuhl, A. Bembibre, J. Benlliure, J. Peñas, A. Börzsönyi, J. Csontos, A. Farkas, A. Mohacsi, T. Somoskői, G. Szabó, Sz. Tóth
Fast neutron generation with few-cycle, relativistic laser pulses at 1 Hz repetition rate
Scientific Reports 14 (2024) 25302
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-75855-7


K. Osvay, L. Stuhl, P. Varmazyar, T. Gilinger, Z. Elekes, A. Fenyvesi, K. Hideghethy, R. E. Szabo, M. Füle, B. Biró, Z. Halász, Z. Korkulu, I. Kuti, R. Molnár, A. Ébert, R. Polanek, E. Buzás, B. Nagy, P. K. Singh, S. Hussain, A. Börzsönyi, Zs. Fülöp, T. Tajima, G. Mourou & G. Szabó
Towards a 1010 n/s neutron source with kHz repetition rate, few-cycle laser pulses
Eur.Phys.J. Plus 139 (2024) 574
DOI 10.1140/epjp/s13360-024-05338-1


M. Füle, A. P. Kovács, T. Gilinger, M. Karnok, P Gaál, S. Figul, G. Marowsky, K. Osvay
Development of an ultrathin liquid sheet target for laser ion acceleration at high repetition rates in the kHz range
HPLSE 12 (2024) e37

DOI 10.1017/hpl.2024.19 



Sz Tóth, R. S. Nagymihály, I. Seres, L. Lehotai, J. Csontos, L.T. Tóth, P. P. Geetha, T. Somoskői, B. Kajla, D. Abt, V. Pajer, A. Farkas, A. Mohácsi, A. Börzsönyi, and K. Osvay
Single thin-plate compression of multi-TW laser pulses to 3.9 fs
Optics Letters, 48 (2023) 57-60


S. Ter-Avetisyan, P. Varmazyar, P. K. Singh, J-G. Son, M. Fule, V. Y. Bychenkov, B. Farkas, K. Nelissen, S. Mondal, D. Papp, A. Borzsonyi, J. Csontos, Zs. Lecz, T. Somoskoi, L. Toth, Sz. Toth, V. Andriy, D. Margarone, A. Necas, G. Mourou, G. Szabo, K. Osvay
Ion acceleration with few cycle relativistic laser pulses from foil targets
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 65 (2023) 085012




P. K. Singh, P. Varmazyar, B. Nagy, J. G. Son, S. Ter-Avetisyan, K. Osvay
Spatial characterization of proton beam driven by few-cycle relativistic intense laser pulses
Scientific Reports 12 (2022) 8100


P. Varmazyar, P.K.Singh, Z. Elekes, Z. Halász, B. Nagy, J.-G. Son, J. Csontos, A. Mohacsi, K. Nelissen, T. Somoskői, R. E. Szabo, Sz. Toth, S. Ter-Avetisyan, K. Osvay
Calibration of a micro-channel plate detector in a Thomson ion spectrometer for protons and carbon ionsbelow 1 MeV
Review of Scientific Instruments 93 (2022) 073301


A. Necas, T. Tajima, G. Mourou, K. Osvay
Laser ion acceleration in a near critical density trap
Photonics 9 (2022) 453




K. Osvay G. Szabó.
Lézeres neutronforrás fejlesztése
Magyar Tudomány 181 (2020), 1586–1602


T. Somoskoi, Cs. Vass, P. Jojart, P. Santha, K. Osvay
Development of a defect recognition algorithm for visual laser-induced damage detection

Laser Phys. 30 (2020) 046002




R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, P. Jojart, V. Zuba, R. Flender, O. Antipov, I. Seres, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chvykov, K. Osvay, M. Kalashnikov
Broadband spectral characterization of the phase shift induced by population inversion in Ti:Sapphire,

Opt. Express 27 (2019) 1226-1235


R. Flender, K. Sárosi, E. Petrács, Á. Börzsönyi and V. Chikán
Control of THz field waveform emitted from air plasma by chirping two-color laser pulses

Opt. Commun. 436 (2019) 222-226



H. Cao, Sz. Toth, M. P. Kalashnikov, V. Chvykov, K. Osvay
Highly efficient, cascaded extraction optical parametric amplifier
Opt. Express 26 (2018) 7516-7527


H. Cao, M. P. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, N. Khodakovskiy, R. S. Nagymihály, V Chvykov
Active spectral shaping with polarization-encoded Ti:Sapphire amplifiers for sub-20 fs multi-terawatt systems
Laser Phys. Lett. 15 (2018) 045003


R. S. Nagymihály, H. Cao, P. Jójárt, M. P. Kalashnikov, Á. Börzsönyi, V. Chvykov, R. Flender, M. Kovács, K. Osvay
Carrier-envelope phase stability of a polarization-encoded chirped pulse Ti:Sapphire amplifier
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B – Opt. Phys. 35 (2018) A1-A5


H. Cao, M. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, N. Khodakovskiy, R. S. Nagymihaly, V. Chvykov,
Active spectral shaping with polarization encoded Ti:Sapphire amplifiers for sub 20-fs multi-TW systems

Laser Physics Letters, 15 (2018) 045003


R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, P. Jojart, M. Kalashnikov, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chvykov, R. Flender, M. Kovacs, K. Osvay,
Carrier-envelope phase stability of a polarization-encoded chirped pulse Ti:Sapphire amplifier
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 35 (2018) A1-A5

H. Cao, Sz. Tóth, M. P. Kalashnikov, V. Chvykov and K. Osvay
Highly efficient, cascaded extraction optical parametric amplifier

Opt. Express, 26 (2018) 7516,




T. Grósz, A.P. Kovács, K. Varjú,
Chromatic dispersion measurement along both polarization directions of a birefringent hollow-core photonic crystal fiber using spectral interferometry

Applied Optics 56 (2017) 5369-5376.


T. Grósz, M. Horváth, A.P. Kovács,
Complete dispersion characterization of microstructured optical fibers from a single interferogram using the windowed Fourier-ridges algorithm

Optics Express 25 (2017) 28459-28468.


R. Flender; K. Sárosi; A. Börzsönyi; V. Chikan,
The impact of dispersion of the ultrashort light pulses on the THz radiation formation from asymmetric air plasmas

Proc. SPIE 10228 (2017) 102281B


R. S. Nagymihaly, P. Jojart, A. Borzsonyi, K. Osvay
Spectral Phase Noise Analysis of a Cryogenically Cooled Ti:Sapphire Amplifier

Opt. Exp. 25 (2017) 6690-6699


R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, D. Papp, G. Hajas, M. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, and V. Chvykov
Liquid-cooled Ti:Sapphire Thin Disk amplifiers for high average power 100 TW systems

Opt. Exp. 25, (2017) 6664-6677


N. Thiré, R. Maksimenka, B. Kiss, C. Ferchaud, P. Bizouard, E. Cormier, K. Osvay and N. Forget
4-W, 100-kHz, few-cycle mid-infrared source with sub-100-mrad carrier-envelope phase noise

Opt. Express, 25 (2017) 1505-1514


J. Bohus, J. Budai, M. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay
An all-reflective polarization rotator

Proc. SPIE 10238 (2017) DOI: 10.1117/12.2264913


Z. Pápa, J. Csontos, T. Smausz, Z. Tóth, J. Budai,
Spectroscopic ellipsometric investigation of graphene and thin carbon films from the point of view of depolarization effects

Applied Surface Science 421 (2017) 714-721


Csontos, J ; Tóth, Z ; Pápa, Z ; Gábor, B ; M. Füle B. Gilicze, J. Budai
Ultrafast in-situ null-ellipsometry for studying pulsed laser Silicon surface interactions

Applied Surface Science 421 (2017) 325-330



A. Borzsonyi, R. S. Nagymihaly, K. Osvay
Drift and noise of the carrier-envelope phase in a Ti:Sapphire amplifier,

Laser Phys. Lett. 13 (2016) 015301


B. Manschwetus, L. Rading, F. Campi, S. Maclot, H. Coudert-Alteirac, J. Lahl, H. Wikmark, P. Rudawski, C.M. Heyl, B. Farkas, T. Mohamed, A. L’Huillier, P. Johnsson/span>
Two-photon double ionization of neon using an intense attosecond pulse train

Physical Review A 93 (2016) 061402(R)



Csontos, J., Toth, Z., Pápa, Zs., Budai, J., Kiss, B., Börzsönyi, A., & Füle, M.
Periodic structure formation and surface morphology evolution of glassy carbon surfaces applying 35-fs–200-ps laser pulses.

Applied Physics A, 122 (2016). 1-9.



A. Borzsonyi, R.S. Nagymihaly, K. Osvay,
Drift and noise of the carrier-envelope phase in a Ti:Sapphire amplifier
Laser Phys. Lett. 13 (2016). 015301



V. Chvykov, R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, M. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay,
Design of a thin disk amplifier with extraction during pumping for high peak and average power Ti:Sa systems (EDP-TD)
Opt. Exp. 24 (2016) 3721-3733



V. Chvykov, H. Cao, R. Nagymihaly, M. P. Kalashnikov, N. Khodakovskiy, R. Glassock, L. Ehrentraut, M. Schnuerer, and K. Osvay,
High peak and average power Ti:sapphire thin disk amplifier with extraction during pumping
Opt. Lett. 41 (2016) 3017-3020





Nagy, L., Kiss, V., Brumfeld, V., Osvay, K., Börzsönyi, Á., Magyar, M., Malkin, S.
Thermal Effects and Structural Changes of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers Characterized by Wide Frequency Band Hydrophone: Effects of Carotenoids and Terbutryn
Photochemistry and photobiology, 91 (2015) 1368-1375



Csontos, J., Pápa, Z., Gárdián, A., Füle, M., Budai, J., Toth, Z.,
Spectroscopic ellipsometric and Raman spectroscopic investigations of pulsed laser treated glassy carbon surfaces
Applied Surface Science, 336 (2015) 343-348



B.Major.; Nemes, D.; Porras, M. A.; Horváth, Z. L. A.P. Kovács,
Carrier-envelope phase changes in the focal region: propagation effects measured by spectral interferometry

Appl. Opt., OSA, 2015, 54, 10717-10724



T. Somoskoi, Cs. Vass, M. Mero, R. Mingesz, Z. Bozoki and K. Osvay
Comparison of simultaneous on-line optical and acoustic laser damage detection methods in the nanosecond pulse duration domain

Laser Phys, 25 (2015) 56002



A. Börzsönyi, R. S. Nagymihály, K. Osvay
Drift and noise of the carrier-envelope phase in a Ti:sapphire amplifier

Laser Physics Letters 13 (2015) 015301

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B. Kiss, R. Flender, J. Kopniczky, F. Ujhelyi, C. Vass
Fabrication of Polarizer by Metal Evaporation of Fused Silica Surface Relief Gratings

JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 10 (2015), 53-58

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C. Vass, B. Kiss, R. Flender, Z. Felházi, P. Lorenz, M. Ehrhardt, K. Zimmer
Comparative Study on Grating Fabrication in Transparent Materials by TWIN-LIBWE and Ultrashort Pulsed Ablation Techniques

JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 10 (2015), 38-42

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T. Grósz, A. P. Kovács, K. Mecseki, L. Gulyás, R. Szipőcs
Monitoring the dominance of higher-order chromatic dispersion with spectral interferometry using the stationary phase point method

Opt. Commun. 338, (2015), 292-299

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T. Somoskoi, Cs. Vass, M. Mero, R. Mingesz, Z. Bozoki and K. Osvay
Comparison of simultaneous on-line optical and acoustic laser damage detection methods in the nanosecond pulse duration domain

Laser Phys., 25, 56002, 2015




D. Kroon, D. Guénot, M. Kotur, E. Balogh, E. W. Larsen, C. M. Heyl, M. Miranda, M. Gisselbrecht, J. Mauritsson, P. Johnsson, K. Varjú, A. L. Huillier, C. L. Arnold
Attosecond pulse walk-off in high-order harmonic generation

Optics Letters 39, (2014), 2218-2221

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B. Major, Z. Horváth, A.P. Kovács, Zs. Bor,
A fényelhajlás Young-féle elmélete és annak alkalmazása az ultrarövid fényimpulzusok diffrakciójakor - a szélihullám-impulzus

Fizikai Szemle 64 (2014) 294-298


E. Balogh, B. Bódi, V. Tosa, E. Goulielmakis, K. Varjú, P. Dombi
Genetic optimization of attosecond pulse generation in light-field synthesizers

Physical Review A 90, (2014), 023855

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P. Jojart, A. Borzsonyi, V. Soskov, F. Zomer, R. Chiche, E. Cormier, K. Osvay
Carrier-envelope phase drift measurement of picosecond pulses by an all-linear-optical means

Optics Letters 39, (2014), 5913-5916

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B. Hopp,T. Csizmadia,Cs. Tápai,Cs. Vass,B. Kiss,T. Kolumbán Smausz
Nem-reflektáló nanostruktúrák előállítása tömbi fémfelületeken femtoszekundumos lézeres besugárzással

Fizikai Szemle 64, (2014), 230-232



P. Jójárt,Á. Börzsönyi,K. Osvay
Lineáris optikai módszer vivô-burkoló fázis csúszásának mérésére

Fizikai Szemle 64, (2014), 236-241



T. Grósz, A. P. Kovács, M. Kiss, R. Szipőcs
Measurement of higher order chromatic dispersion in a photonic bandgap fiber: comparative study of spectral interferometric methods

Appl. Optics 53, (2014) 1929-1937

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Frederik Böhle, Martin Kretschmar, Aurélie Jullien, Mate Kovacs, Miguel Miranda, Rosa Romero, Helder Crespo, Uwe Morgner, Peter Simon, Rodrigo Lopez-Martens
Compression of CEP-stable multi-mJ laser pulses down to 4 fs in long hollow fibers

Laser Phys. Lett. 11 (2014) 095401



B. Kiss, F. Ujhelyi, Á. Sipos, B. Farkas, P. Dombi, K. Osvay, Cs. Vass
Microstructuring of Transparent Dielectric Films by TWIN-LIBWE Method for OWLS Applications

JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 8 (2013) 271-275

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B. Kiss, R. Flender, Cs. Vass
Fabrication of Micro- and Submicrometer Period Metal Reflection Gratings by Melt-Imprint Technique

JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 8 (2013) 287-291

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E. Balogh, J. A. Fülöp, J. Hebling, P. Dombi, Gy.Farkas, K. Varjú
Application of high intensity THz pulses for gas high harmonic generation

Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 11, (2013) 1135-1140

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A. Borzsonyi, R. Chiche, E. Cormier, R. Flaminio, P. Jojart, C.Michel, K. Osvay, L. Pinard, V. Soskov, A. Variola, F. Zomer
External cavity enhancement of ps pulses with 28 000 cavity finesse

Appl. Optics. 52, (2013) 8376-8380

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B. Hopp, T. Smausz, T. Csizmadia, Cs. Vass, Cs. Tápai, B. Kiss, M. Ehrhardt, P. Lorenz, K. Zimmer
Production of nanostructures on bulk metal samples by laser ablation for fabrication of low-reflective surfaces

Appl. Phys. A, 113 (2013) DOI 10.1007/s00339-013-7913-y

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Cs. Vass, B. Kiss, J. Kopniczky, B. Hopp
Etching of fused silica fiber by metallic laser-induced backside wet etching technique,

Applied Surface Science 278, (2013) 241-244

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Z. Horvath, B. Major, A. Kovacs, Zs. Bor
Pulse front distortions caused by primary aberrations,

J. Opt. Soc. Am. B , 30 (2013) 1853-1863

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A. Borzsonyi, A. P. Kovacs, K. Osvay
What We Can Learn about Ultrashort Pulses by Linear Optical Methods

Appl. Sci. 3, (2013) 515-544

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A. Börzsönyi, L. Mangin-Thro, G. Cheriaux, K. Osvay
Two-dimensional single-shot measurement of angular dispersion for compressor alignment

Opt.Lett. 38, (2013) 410-412

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K. Kovács, E.Balogh, J. Hebling, V. Tosa, K. Varjú
Quasi-Phase-Matching High-Harmonic Radiation Using Chirped THz Pulses

Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, (2012) 193903

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E. Balogh, K. Kovács, V. Tosa, K. Varjú
A case study for terahertz-assisted single attosecond pulse generation

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, (2012) 074022

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K. Osvay, M. Mero, Á. Börzsönyi, A. P. Kovács, M. P. Kalashnikov

Spectral phase shift and residual angular dispersion of an acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter

Appl.Phys. B 107, (2012) 125-130

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P. Jojart, A. Börzsönyi, B. Borchers, G. Steinmeyer, K. Osvay

Agile linear interferometric method for carrier-envelope phase drift measurement

Opt.Lett. 37, (2012) 836-838

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M. Mero, F. Frassetto, P. Villoresi, L. Poletto, K. Varjú

Compression Methods for XUV Attosecond Pulses

Optics Express 19, (2011) 23420-23428

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B. Kiss, Cs. Vass, P. Heck, P. Dombi, K. Osvay

Fabrication and analysis of transmission gratings produced by the indirect laser etching technique

Journal of Physics D 44, (2011) 415103-415108

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E. Balogh, K. Kovacs, P. Dombi, J.A. Fulop, G. Farkas, J. Hebling, V. Tosa, and K. Varju

Single attosecond pulse from terahertz-assisted high-order harmonic generation

Physical Review A 84, (2011) 023806

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L. Fábián, Z. Heiner, M. Mero, M. Kiss, E.K. Wolff, P. Ormos, K. Osvay, A. Dér

Protein-based ultrafast photonic switching

Opt.Express 19, (2011) 18861-18870

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M. Mero, A. Sipos, G. Kurdi, K. Osvay

Generation of energetic femtosecond green pulses based on an OPCPA-SFG scheme

Optics Express 19 (2011), 9646-9655

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Á. Sipos, H. Tóháti, A. Mathesz, A. Szalai, Sz. Veszelka, M. A. Deli, L. Fülöp, A. Kőházi-Kis, M. Csete, Zs. Bor

Effect of nanogold particles on coupled plasmon resonance on biomolecule covered prepatterned multilayers

Sensor Letters 8 (2010), 512-520

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Á.Börzsönyi, Z. Heiner, A.P.Kovács, M.P. Kalashnikov, K.Osvay

Measurement of pressure dependent nonlinear refractive index of inert gases

Opt. Exp. 18 (2010) 25847-25854

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K.Osvay, L.Canova, C.Durfee, A.P.Kovács, Á.Börzsönyi, O.Albert, R. Lopez Martens

Preservation of the carrier envelope phase during cross-polarized wave generation

Opt.Exp. 17 (2009) 22358-22365

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C.Grebing, M.Görbe, K.Osvay, G.Steinmeyer

Isochronic and isodispersive carrier-envelope phase-shift compensators

Appl.Phys. B 97 (2009) 575-281

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Z. Heiner, K. Osvay

Refractive index of dark-adapted bacteriorhodopsin and tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane buffer between 390 and 880 nm

Applied Optics 48 (2009) 4610-4615

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M.Görbe, C.Grebing, G.Steinmeyer, K.Osvay

A linear optical method for measuring the carrier-envelope phase drift

Appl.Phys. B 95 (2009) 273-280

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H.Tóháti, Á.Sipos, G.Szekeres, A.Mathesz, A.Szalai, P.Jójárt, J.Budai, Cs.Vass, A.Kőházi-Kis, M.Csete, Zs.Bor

Surface plasmon scattering on polymer-bimetal layer covered fused silica gratings generated by laser induced backside wet etching

Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 5130-5137

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Á.Sipos, H.Tóháti, A.Szalai, A.Mathesz, M.Görbe, T.Szabó, M.Szekeres, B.Hopp, M.Csete, I.Dékány

Plasmonic structure generation by laser illumination of silica colloid spheres deposited onto prepatterned polymer-bimetal films

Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 5138-5145

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M.Görbe, K.Osvay, C.Grebing, G. Steinmeyer

Isochronic carrier-envelope phase-shift compensator

Opt.Lett., 33 (2008) 2704-2706

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A.Börzsönyi, Zs. Heiner, M.P. Kalashnikov, A.P.Kovács, K.Osvay

Dispersion measurement of inert gases and gas mixtures at 800 nm

Appl.Opt., 47 (2008) 4856-4863

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Cs.Vass, K.Osvay, T.Véső, B.Hopp, Zs.Bor

Submicrometer grating fabrication in fused silica by interferometric laser-induced backside wet etching technique

Appl.Phys.A 93 (2008) 69-73

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A.Börzsönyi, A.P.Kovács, M.Görbe, K.Osvay

Advances and limitations of phase dispersion measurement by spectrally and spatially resolved interferometry

Opt.Commun. 281 (2008) 3051-3061

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K.Osvay, K.Varjú, G.Kurdi

High order dispersion control for femtosecond CPA lasers

Appl.Phys.B 89 (2007) 565-572

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K.Osvay, M.Görbe, C.Grebing, G.Steinmeyer

Bandwidth-independent linear method for detection of the carrier-envelope offset phase

Opt.Lett. 32 (2007) 3095-3097

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M. Csete, Á. Sipos, A. Kőházi-Kis, A. Szalai, G. Szekeres, A. Mathesz, T. Csákó, K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, B. Penke, M.A. Deli, Sz. Veszelka, A. Schmatulla, O. Marti

Comparative study of sub-micrometer polymeric structures: Dot-arrays, linear and crossed gratings generated by UV laser based two-beam interference, as surfaces for SPR and AFM based bio-sensing

Appl.Surf.Sci. 254 (2007) 1194-1205

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M.Csete, A.Kőházi-Kis, Cs.Vass, Á.Sipos, G.Szekeres, M.Deli, K.Osvay, Zs.Bor

Atomic force microscopical and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopical investigation of sub-micrometer metal gratings generated by UV laser based two-beam interference in Au-Ag bimetallic layers

Appl.Surf.Sci. 253 (2007) 7662-7671

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K. Osvay, A. Börzsönyi, A.P. Kovács, M. Görbe, G. Kurdi, M.P. Kalashnikov

Dispersion of femtosecond laser pulses in beam pipelines from ambient pressure down to 0.1 mbar

Appl.Phys.B 87 (2007) 457-461

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Cs. Vass,K. Osvay, M. Csete, B. Hopp

Fabrication of 550 nm gratings in fused silica by laser induced backside wet etching technique

Appl.Surf.Sci. 253 (2007) 8059-8063

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I. Képíró, K. Osvay, M. Divall

Correction of small imperfections on white glazed china surfaces by laser radiation
Appl.Surf.Sci. 253 (2007) 7798-7805

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M. Csete, A. Kőházi-Kis, V. Megyesi, K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, M. Pietralla, O. Marti

Coupled surface plasmon resonance on bimetallic films covered by sub-micrometer polymer gratings

Organic Electronics 8 (2007) 148-160

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Cs. Vass, K. Osvay, B. Hopp, Zs. Bor

104 nm period grating fabrication in fused silica by immersion two-beam interferometric laser induced backside wet etching technique

Appl.Phys.A 87 (2007) 611-613

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Cs. Vass, K. Osvay, B. Hopp

Fabrication of 150 nm period grating in fused silica by two-beam interferometric laser induced backside wet etching method

Opt.Exp. 14 (2006) 8354-8359

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P. Maák, G. Kurdi, A. Barócsi, K. Osvay, A. P. Kovács, L. Jakab, P. Richter

Shaping of ultrashort pulses using bulk acousto-optic filter

Appl.Phys.B 82 (2006) 283-287

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K.Osvay, I. Képíró, O. Berkesi

Laser treatment of white china surfaces

Appl.Surf.Sci. 252 (2006) 4516-4522

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M. Csete, G. Szekeres, Cs. Vass, N. Maghelli, K. Osvay, Zs. Bor, M. Pietralla, O. Marti

Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy on rotated sub-micrometer polymer gratings generated by UV-laser based two-beam interference

Appl.Surf.Sci. 252 (2006) 4773-4780

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M. Csete, G. Kurdi, J. Kokavecz, V. Megyesi, K. Osvay, Z. Schay, Zs. Bor, O. Marti

Application possibilities and chemical origin of sub-micrometer adhesion modulation on polymer gratings produced by UV laser illumination

Materials Sci and Engin. C 26 (2006) 1056-1062

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M.Divall, K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, E.J.Divall, J.Klebniczki, J.Bohus, Á.Péter, K.Polgár

Two-photon-absorption of frequency converter crystals at 248 nm

Appl.Phys.B 81 (2005) 1123-1126

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K.Osvay, M.Csatári, I.N.Ross, A.Persson, C.G.Wahlström

On the temporal contrast of high intensity fs laser pulses

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M.Csete, N.Kresz, Cs.Vass, G.Kurdi, Zs.Heiner, M.Deli, Zs.Bor, O.Marti

Sub-micrometer adhesion modulation on polymer surfaces containing gratings produced by two-beam interference

Materials Sci. and Engin.C 25 (2005) 813-819

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K.Osvay, A.P.Kovács, G.Kurdi, Z.Heiner, M.Divall, J.Klebniczki, I.E.Ferincz

Measurement of noncompensated angular dispersion and the subsequent temporal lengthening of femtosecond pulses in a CPA laser

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A.P.Kovács, K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, M.Görbe,J.Klebniczki, Zs.Bor

Dispersion control of a pulse stretcher-compressor system with two dimensional spectral interferometry

Appl.Phys.B 80 (2005) 165-170

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G.Kurdi, K.Osvay, M.Csatári, I.N.Ross, J.Klebniczki

Optical parametric amplification of femtosecond ultraviolet laser pulses

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Z.L.Horváth, J.Klebniczki, G.Kurdi, A.P.Kovács

Experimental investigation of the boundary wave pulse

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K.Osvay, A.P.Kovács, Z.Heiner, G.Kurdi, J.Klebniczki, M.Csatári

Angular dispersion and temporal change of femtosecond pulses from misaligned pulse compressors

IEEE J.Sel.Top.Quant.Electr. 10 (2004) 213-220

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I.N.Ross, P.Matousek, G.H.C.New, K.Osvay

An Analysis and Optimisation of Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplification

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K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, J.Klebniczki, M.Csatári, I.N.Ross

Demonstration of high gain amplification of femtosecond UV laser pulses

Appl.Phys.Lett. 80 (2002) 1704-170

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K.Varjú, A.P.Kovács, G.Kurdi, K.Osvay

High precision measurement of angular dispersion in a CPA laser

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K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, J.Klebniczki, M.Csatari, I.N.Ross, E.J.Divall, C.H.J.Hooker, A.J.Langley

Broadband amplification of ultraviolet laser pulses

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K.Varjú, A.P.Kovács,K.Osvay, G.Kurdi

Angular dispersion of femtosecond pulses in a Gaussian beam

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K.Osvay, P.Dombi, A.P.Kovács, Z.Bor

Fine tuning of the higher order dispersion of a prismatic pulse compressor

Appl.Phys.B 75 (2002) 649-654

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J.A.Fülöp, A.P.Kovács, Zs.Bor

Broadband dispersion-compensated two pass second harmonic generation of femtosecond pulses

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J.A.Fülöp, A.P.Kovács, Zs.Bor

Dispersion-compensated two-pass arrangement for second harmonic generation of femtosecond pulses

Laser Physics 10 (2000) 437-440

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K.Osvay, M.Csatári, A.Gaál, I.N.Ross

Temporal contrast of high intensity femtosecond UV pulses

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K.Osvay, I.N.Ross

Efficient tuneable bandwidth frequency mixing using chirped pulses

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A.P.Kovács, K.Varjú, K.Osvay, Zs.Bor

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