2025. March 13., Thursday

Peer-reviewed papers from individual collaborations

E. Shestaev, D. Hoff, A. M. Sayler, A. Klenke, S. Hadrich, F. Just, T. Eidam, P. Jojart, Z. Varallyay, K. Osvay, G. G. Paulus, A. Tunnermann, J. Limpert
High-power ytterbium-doped fiber laser delivering few-cycle, carrier-envelope phase-stable 100 µJ pulses at 100 kHz

Opt. Letters 45 (2020) 97-100


Sz. Toth, T. Stanislauskas, I. Balciunas, R. Budriunas, J. Adamonis, R. Danilevicius, K. Viskontas, D. Lengvinas, G. Veitas, D. Gadonas, A. Varanavicius, J. Csontos, T. Somoskoi, L. Toth, A. Borzsonyi, K. Osvay
SYLOS lasers - the frontier of few-cycle, multi-TW, kHz lasers for ultrafast applications at extreme light infrastructure attosecond light pulse source

J. Phys. Photonics 2 (2020) 045003


D. Hammerland, P. Zhang, A. Bray, C. F. Perry, S. Kühn, P. Jójárt, I. Seres, V. Zuba, Z. Várallyay, K. Osvay, A. Kheifets, T. T. Luu and H. J. Wörner
Effect of electron correlations on attosecond photoionization delays in the vicinity of the Cooper minima of argon
Phys. Rev. Lett. (arXiv:1907.01219)


D. Hammerland, P. Zhang, S. Kühn, P. Jójárt, I. Seres, V. Zuba, Z. Várallyay, D. Charalambidis, K. Osvay, T. T. Luu and H. J. Wörner
Reconstruction of attosecond pulses in the presence of interfering dressing fields using a 100kHz laser system at ELI-ALPS
J. Phys. B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 52 (2019), 23LT01


Sz. Tóth, R. Flender, B. Kiss, M. Kurucz, A. Andrianov, R. S. Nagymihály, L. Haizer, E. Cormier and K. Osvay
Comparative study of an ultrafast, CEP-stable dual-channel mid-IR OPCPA system

J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36 (2019) 3538-3546


N. Thiré, R. Maksimenka, B. Kiss, C. Ferchaud, G. Gitzinger, T. Pinoteau, H. Jousselin, S. Jarosch, P. Bizouard, V. M. di. Pietro, E. Cormier, K. Osvay and N. Forget
Highly stable, 15 W, few-cycle, 65 mrad CEP-noise mid-IR OPCPA for statistical physics

Opt. Express, 26 (2018) 26907,


S. Kühn, M. Dumergue, S. Kahaly, S. Mondal, M. Füle, T. Csizmadia, B. Farkas, B. Major, Z. Várallyay, F. Calegari, M. Devetta, F. Frassetto, E. Mansson, L. Poletto, S. Stagira, C. Vozzi, M. Nisoli, P. Rudawski, S. Maclot, F. Campi, H. Wikmark, C.L. Arnold, C.M. Heyl, P. Johnsson, A. L’Huillier, R. Lopez-Martens, S. Haessler, M. Bocoum, F. Boehle, A. Vernier, G. Iaquaniello, E. Skantzakis, N. Papadakis, C. Kalpouzos, P. Tzallas, F. Lépine, D. Charalambidis, K. Varjú, K. Osvay, G. Sansone:
The ELI-ALPS facility: the next generation of attosecond sources,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 (2017) 132002


Y. Pan, M. Ehrhardt, P. Lorenz, B. Han, B. Hopp, Cs. Vass, X. Ni, K. Zimmer
Influence of the confinement on laser-induced dry etching at the rear side of fused silica
Appl. Phys. A 122 (2016) DOI 10.1007/s00339-016-9925-x


M. Reduzzi, P. Carpeggiani, S. Kühn, F. Calegari, M. Nisoli, S. Stagira, C. Vozzi, P. Dombi, S. Kahaly, P. Tzallas, D. Charalambidis, K. Varjú, K. Osvay and G. Sansone
Advances in high-order harmonic generation sources for time-resolved investigations

J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom, 204 (2015) 257-268



Y. Pan, M. Ehrhardt, P. Lorenz, B. Han, B. Hopp, Cs. Vass ,X. Ni, K. Zimmer
Multi-pulse LIBDE of fused silica at different thicknesses of theorganic absorber layer

Applied Surface Science 359 (2015) 449–454


J. Budai, B. Farkas, Z.L. Horváth, Zs. Geretovszky,
On determining the optical properties and layer structure from spectroscopic ellipsometric data using automated artifact minimization method,

Thin Solid Films 567 (2014) 14-19


K. Zimmera, M. Ehrhardta, P. Lorenza, X. Wangb, Cs. Vass, T. Csizmadiac, B. Hopp
Reducing the incubation effects for rear side laser etchingof fused silica

Applied Surface Science 302 (2014) 42–45



M. Mero, J. Zheng
Femtosecond optical parametric converter in the 168–182-nm range

Appl. Phys. B 106 (2011) 37–43,

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B. György, K. Módos, E. Pállinger, K. Pálóczi, M. Pásztói, P. Misják, M. A. Deli, A. Sipos, A. Szalai, I. Voszka, A. Polgár, K. Tóth, M. Csete, G. Nagy, S. Gay, A. Falus, A. Kittel, E. I. Buzás
Detection and isolation of cell-derived microparticles are compromised by protein complexes due to shared biophysical parameters

Blood 117 (2011) 39–48.

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P. Heissler, R. Hörlein, M. Stafe, J.M. Mikhailova, Y. Nomura, D. Herrmann, R. Tautz, S.G. Rykovanov, I.B. Földes, K. Varjú, F. Tavella, A. Marcinkevicius, F. Krausz, L. Veisz, G.D. Tsakiris
Toward single attosecond pulses using harmonic emission from solid-density plasmas

Applied Physics B 101 (2010) 511-521

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C. Vass, J. Budai, Z. Schay, B. Hopp
Interpretation and Modeling of Laser-Induced Backside Wet Etching Procedure

Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 5 (2010) 43-47

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L.A. Emmert, M. Mero, W. Rudolph
Modeling the effect of native and laser-induced states on the dielectric breakdown of wide band gap optical materials by multiple subpicosecond laser pulses

Journal of Applied Physics 108 (2010) 043523

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M. A. Deli, S. Veszelka, B. Csiszár, A. Tóth, A. Kittel, M. Csete, A. Sipos, A. Szalai, L. Fülöp, B. Penke, Cs. Abrahám, M. Niwa
Protection of the Blood-Brain Barrier by Pentosan Against Amyloid-ß-Induced Toxicity

J Alzheimers Dis. 22 (2010) 777–794

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B. Gönci, V. Németh, E. Balogh, B. Szabó, Á. Dénes, Z. Környei, T. Vicsek
Viral epidemics in a cell culture: novel high resolution data and their interpretation by a percolation theory based model

PLoS ONE 5 (2010) e05571

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E. Balogh, I. Simonsen, B. Zs. Nagy, Z. Neda
Persistent collective trend in stock markets

Physical Review E 82 (2010) 066113

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D. Batani, R.Jafer, R.Redaelli, R.Dezulian, O.Lundh, F.Lindau, A.Persson, K.Osvay, C.-G. Wahlstrom, D.C.Carroll, P.McKenna
Effects of laser prepulse on proton generation

Radiation Effects And Defects In Solids 165 (2010) 794-802

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D. Batani, R.Jafer, R.Redaelli, R.Dezulian, O.Lundh, F.Lindau, A.Persson, K.Osvay, C.-G. Wahlstrom, D.C.Carroll, P.McKenna, A.Flacco, V.Malka, M.Veltcheva
Effects of laser prepulse on proton generation

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 620 (2010) 76-82

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D. Batani, R.Jafer, M.Veltcheva, R.Dezulian, O.Lundh, F.Lindau, A.Persson, K.Osvay, C.-G. Wahlstrom, D.C.Carroll, P.McKenna, A.Flacco, V.Malka
Effects of laser prepulses on laser-induced proton generation

New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 045018

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Katalin Varjú, Per Johnsson, Johan Mauritsson, Anne L’Huillier, Rodrigo López-Martens
Physics of attosecond pulses produced via high harmonic generation

American Journal of Physics 77 (2009) 389-395

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V Tosa, E Balogh, K Kovacs
Phase-matched generation of water-window x rays

Physical Review A 80 (2009) 045801

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K. Varjú
Attoszekundumos Impulzusok

Fizikai Szemle 58 (2008) 87-92

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D. Nguyen, L.A. Emmert, I.V. Cravetchi, M. Mero, W. Rudolph, M. Jupe, M. Lappschies, K. Starke, D. Ristau
TixSi1-xO2 optical coatings with tunable index and their response to intense subpicosecond laser pulse irradiation

Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008) 261903

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T. Ruchon, C.P. Hauri, K. Varjú, E. Mansten, M. Swoboda, R. López-Martens, A.L'Huillier
Macroscopic effects in attosecond pulse generation

New Journal of Phyics 10 (2008) 025027

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M. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, W. Sandner
High-power Ti:Sapphire lasers: Temporal contrast and spectral narrowing

Laser and Particle Beams 25 (2007) 219-223

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F. Lepine, M.F. Kling, Y.F. Ni, J. Khan, O. Ghafur, T. Martchenko, E. Gustafsson, P. Johnsson, K. Varju, T. Remetter,A. L'Huillier, M.J.J. Vrakking
Short XUV pulses to characterize field-free molecular alignment

Journal Of Modern Optics, 54 (2007) 953-966

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T. Remetter, P. Johnsson, J. Mauritsson, K. Varjú, Y. Ni, F. Lépine, E. Gustafsson, M. Kling, J. Khan, R. López-Martens, K. J. Schafer, M. J. J. Vrakking and A. L'Huillier

Attosecond electron wave packet interferometry

Nature Phys. 2 (2006) 323 - 326

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K. Varju, P. Johnsson, J. Mauritsson,T. Remetter, T. Ruchon, Y. Ni, F. Lepine, M. Kling, J. Khan, K.J. Schafer, M. J. J. Vrakking, A. L'Huillier
Angularly resolved electron wave packet interferences

Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 39 (2006) 3983-3991

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M.P. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, I.M. Lachko, H. Schönnagel, W.Sandner
Broadband amplification of 800 nm pulses with the combination of negatively and positively chirped pulse amplification

IEEE J.Sel.Top.Quant.Electr. 12 (2006) 194-200

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H. Wabnitz,Y. Mairesse, L. J. Frasinski, M. Stankiewicz, W. Boutu, P. Breger, P. Johnsson, H. Merdji, P. Monchicourt, P. Salieres,K. Varju, M. Vitteau, B. Carre
Generation of attosecond pulses in molecular nitrogen

European Physical Journal D, 40 (2006) 305-311

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I. J. Sola, A. Zair, R. López-Martens, P. Johnsson, K. Varjú, E. Cormier, J. Mauritsson, A. L’Huillier, V. Strelkov, E. Mével, E. Constant
Temporal and spectral studies of high-order harmonics generated by polarization-modulated infrared fields
Phyical Review A 74 (2006) 013810

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A. S. Morlens, R. López-Martens, O. Boyko, P. Zeitoun, P. Balcou, K. Varjú, E. Gustafsson, Thomas Remetter, A. L'Huillier, S. Kazamias, J. Gautier, F. Delmotte, M. F. vet
Design and characterization of extreme-ultraviolet broadband mirrors for attosecond science

Optics Letters 31 (2006) 1558-1560

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P. Johnsson; K. Varju; T. Remetter; E. Gustafsson; J. Mauritsson; R. Loacutepez-Martens; S. Kazamias; C. Valentin; PH. Balcou; M. B. Gaarde; K. J. Schafer; A. Huillier
Trains of attosecond electron wave packets
Journal of Modern Optics 53 (2006) 233-245

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K. Varjú, Y. Mairesse, P. Agostini, P. Breger, B. Carré, L. J. Frasinski, E. Gustafsson, P. Johnsson, J. Mauritsson, H. Merdji, P. Monchicourt, A. L'Huillier, P. Salieres
ŰReconstruction of Attosecond Pulse Trains Using an Adiabatic Phase Expansion

Phyical Review Letters 95 (2005) 243901

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A. Zair, I.J. Sola, R. López-Martens, P. Johnsson, E. Cormier, K. Varjú, J. Mauritsson, D. Descamps, V. Strelkov, A. l'Huillier, E. Mével, E. Constant
Contrôle de la génération d'harmoniques d'ordres élevés par modulation de l'ellipticité du fundamental

Journal de Physique IV, 127 (2005) 91-98

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M.P.Kalashnikov, K.Osvay, I.M.Lachko, H.Schönnagel, W.Sandner
Suppression of gain narrowing in multi-TW lasers with negatively and positively chirped pulse amplification

Appl.Phys.B 81 (2005) 1059-1062

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F.Lindau, O.Lundh, A.Persson, P.McKenna, K.Osvay, D.Batani, C.G.Wahlström
Laser accelerated protons with energy dependent beam direction

Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 (2005) No. 175002

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L.Robson, K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna, T.McCanny, S.Shimizu, J.M.Yang, C.G.Wahlström, R.Lopez-Martens, K.Varju, P.Johnsson, J.Mauritsson
Volumetric intensity dependence on the formation of molecular and atomic ions within a high intensity laser focus

J.Am.Soc. for Mass Spectr. 16 (2005) 82-89

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K. Varjú, P. Johnsson, R. López-Martens, T. Remetter, E. Gustafsson, J. Mauritsson, M. B. Gaarde, K. J. Schafer, Ch. Erny, I. Sola, A. Zair, E. Constant, E. Cormier, E. Mével, A. L'Huillier
Experimental studies of attosecond pulse trains

Laser Physics 15 (2005) 888-898

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P. Johnsson, R. Lopez-Martens, S. Kazamias, J. Mauritsson, C. Valentin, T. Remetter, K. Varju, M. B. Gaarde, Y. Mairesse, H. Wabnitz, P. Salieres, Ph. Balcou, K. J. Schafer, A. L'Huillier
Attosecond electron wave packet dynamics in strong laser fields

Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 (2005) No. 013001

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K.Varju, Y.Mairesse, B.Carre, M.B.Gaarde, P.Johnsson, S.Kazamias, R.Lopez-Martens, J.Mauritsson, K.J.Schafer, P.H.Balcou, A.L'Huillier, P.Salieres
Frequency chirp of harmonic and attosecond pulses

J.Mod.Opt. 52 (2005) 379-394

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J. Mauritsson, P. Johnsson, R. López-Martens, K. Varjú, A. L'Huillier, M. B. Gaarde, K. J. Schafer
Probing temporal aspects of high-order harmonic pulses via multi-colour, multi-photon ionization processes

Journal of Modern Optics 38 (2005) 2265-2278

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R.Lopez-Martens, K.Varju, P.Johnsson, J.Mauritsson, Y.Mairesse, P.Salieres, M.B.Gaarde, K.J.Schafer, A.Persson, S.Svanberg, C.G.Wahlström, A.L'Huillier
Amplitude and phase control of attosecond light pulses

Phys.Rev.Lett. 94 (2005) No. 033001

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J.Mauritsson, P.Johnsson, R.Lopez-Martens, K.Varju, W.Kornelis, J.Biegert, U.Keller, M.B.Gaarde, K.J.Schafer, A.L'Huillier
Measurement and control of the frequency chirp rate of high-order harmonic pulses

Phys.Rev.A 70 (2004) 021801(R)

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R.López-Martens, J.Mauritsson, P.Johnsson, K.Varju, A. L'Huillier, W.Kornelis, J.Biegert, U.Keller, M.Gaarde, K.Schafer
Characterization of high-order harmonic radiation on femtosecond and attosecond time scales

Appl.Phys.B 78 (2004) 835-840

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J.Norin, K.Osvay, F.Albert, D.Descamps, J.Yang, A L'Huillier, C.G.Wahlström
Design of an XUV monochromator free of temporal stretchin
Appl.Opt. 43 (2004) 1072-1081

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I.N.Ross, M.Csatari, S.Hutchins
High-performance diode-pumped Nd:YLF amplifier

Appl.Opt. 42 (2003) 1040-104

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I.N.Ross, C.J.Hooker, P.Dombi
Efficient Generation of Large Difraction Gratings with a Grating Interferometer

Appl.Opt. 40 (2001) 6153-6156

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R.Netz, T.Feurer, J.A.Fülöp
Influence of phase modulation on the reshaping of ultrashort laser pulses in resonant three-level systems

Phys.Rev.A 64 (2001) 043808

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K.Varjú, L.H.Ryder
General relativistic treatment of the Colella-Overhauser-Werner experiment on neutron interference in a gravitational field

Am.J.Phys. 68 (2000) 404

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I.N.Ross, J.L.Collier, P.Matousek, C.N.Danson, D.Neely, R.M.Allott, D.A.Pepler, C.Hernandez-Gomez, K.Osvay
The generation of terawatt pulses using optical parametric chirped pulse amplification

Appl.Opt. 39 (2000) 2422-2427

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K.Varjú, L.H.Ryder
Comparing the effects of curved space and noninertial frames on spin 1/2 particles

Phys.Rev.D 62 (2000) 024016

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K.Osvay, I.N.Ross, J.M.D.Lister, C.J.Hooker
High dynamic range measurement of temporal shape and contrast of ultrashort UV pulses

Appl.Phys.B 69 (1999) 19-23

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K.Varjú, L.H.Ryder
The effect of Schwarzschild field on spin 1/2 particles compared to the effect of a uniformly accelerating frame

Phys.Lett.A 250 (1998) 263-269

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