The Institute of Physics is one of the six institutes of the Faculty of Science and Informatics of the University of Szeged. One of the Institute's core activities is teaching physical, astronomical and biophysical sciences in our bachelor, masters, and PhD programs as well as in other related programs of the Faculty. Another core activity of the Institute is conducting fundamental and applied research in physics and its frontiers. The scientific research carried out at the Institute of Physics and with the collaboration of our institute's staff cover many areas of physics and its co-disciplines. Pioneers in several of our topics have recently been awarded Nobel prizes (from super-resolution microscopy to gravitational waves and attosecond physics), and we are involved in various research directions that may become a dominant part of science and even of our everyday lives in the coming years and decades. In addition to fundamental research - which is always the first and most important step in scientific progress - we also work on applied research projects, the results of which are immediately and directly applicable in fields such as medicine, vehicle development or even agriculture.
Much of our research is carried out in the framework of extensive national and international collaborations, working with several other units of the SZTE, the ELI ALPS Laser Research Centre, the Szeged Biological Research Centre and several other institutions of the Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN), as well as with leading universities and research institutes in the USA, Europe and Asia.
Head of Institute: Prof. Dr. Béla Hopp
Contact details
University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics,
Institute of Physics
6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 9.
Head of Office: Arika Unghváryné Kerekes
Tel: 62/544-120
Email: akerekes@titan.physx.u-szeged.hu
Education organizer: Ditta Novák
Tel: 62/544-052